Opening Mass, Presided over by Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, RCJ, General Superior
At 11:30 in the morning of October 16, 2022, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, RCJ, the General Superior, presided over the Sunday Holy Mass at the St. Matthew Chapel of the Oasis of Prayer. Fr. John Joffer Lucas, RCJ and Fr. Jose Maria Espeleta, RCJ were the main concelebrants. The Eucharistic liturgy served as the Opening Mass of the Provincial Chapter.
In his homily, Fr. Rampazzo spoke of the symbol and value of the Provincial Chapter, which is an expression of our Rogationist identity, mission and unity. It also expresses the prayers, wishes and desires of the Family of the Rogate. In his exhortation, he reechoed what Fr. Ezpeleta shared during the Recollection – that the Chapter is a period of discernment of God’s will, here and now. This exercise of discernment necessitates that we listen wholeheartedly to the Lord’s soft voice, and the means by which we can successfully hear His call is by immersing ourselves in prayer, which is constant and consistent. Our prayers must be directed towards the expression of our trust in God’s providence and wisdom.
He further shared that this is the very meaning of today’s Gospel – to be persevering in prayer, and in doing so, we ask the Lord to increase our faith and trust in His benevolence and mercy.
He concluded his reflection by invoking the Holy Spirit for inspiration and enlightenment, and entrusting everyone to the same Spirit.