Yesterday, 19/09/2023, began with the celebration of Lauds and Holy Mass presided over by the Superior of the Province of San Luca, Fr. Geraldo Tadeu Furtado. In the morning, in the main hall, the presentation of the other three Circumscriptions continued: Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, the Quasi-Province of St. Thomas; P. Antonio Fiorenza, the Guadalupe Delegation; P. Wilfredo Cruz, St Jospeh Quasi Province. In this way, in this first phase of the Conference, which ended at 10.45 am, it was possible to focus, even if briefly, on the life, problems and challenges of the Congregation in its Circumscriptions.
After a short break, work continued by sector groups: Government, Religious Life, Formation and Vocational Ministry, Rogate, Charity and Mission, Laity Parishes and Youth Ministry, Economy and Administration. These groups or secretariats were presided over, respectively, by the Superior General, by the sector councilors and by the General Bursar. They focused on the Programming of the General Government, examining the projects within their competence, and on the basis of previous knowledge of the situations and orientations of the General Chapter, they committed themselves to discerning those operational orientations, to propose to the General Government, because let us actively address them during the six-year period, in unity, sharing and coordination, walking together.