The Grand conference of Alliance of Sacred Heart Spirituality

St.Thomas Quasi Province Aluva, June 18, 2017: The first Grand Conference of the Alliance of Sacred Heart Spirituality was conducted in the Generalate of the Sacred Heart Congregation in Kottayam. The event was made auspicious with the presence of His Excellency Mar Joseph Perumthottam-the Arch Bishop of Chenganassery Archdiocese, Rev.Fr.Jose Maria Ezpeleta RCJ- the Vicar General of Rogationist Fathers, Rev. Dr. Andrews Mekattukunnel- the president of Paurstya Vidhya Peedam St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Rev. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil RCJ- the Chairman of ASHS and the Major Superior of St.Thomas Quasi Province India. Around 110 members of seven different congregations whose spirituality is rooted in the Sacred Heart of Jesus took part in this great event. The grand conference was started with a prayer service. Rev.Sr. Little Tresa S H, the Mother general of S H congregation, extended heartfelt greetings and welcome to everyone. The inaugural ceremony was made colourful with the thought evoking presidential address of Fr.Shajan RCJ, the inaugural speech of Fr. Andrwes and the Benedictory speech of Excellency Mar Joseph Perumthottam and Fr.Jose Maria Ezpeleta RCJ. The inaugural ceremony was followed by the presentation of Rev.Dr.Kocurani S H on the Biblical and Theological perspective of Sacred Heart Spirituality. The second session, held after the lunch, consisted of the presentation of Rev.Dr.Treesa Palackal S H on the ministerial and apostolate implications of Sacred Heart Spirituality as well as the group discussion. The valid suggestions were presented by the different groups. The curtain of this fruitful and beautiful ceremony was closed with the vote of Thanks delivered by Rev.Sr.Liya DSHs- the Provincial Superior of Dorothian Sisters.