1 March 2024, Morlupo-Italy: In the afternoon the members of the General Government and the Superiors of the Circumscriptions, accompanied by the Councilors of the sectors of Religious Life, Formation and Vocational Pastoral, met in the Rogate Center – Morlupo Holiday Home, for the 2024 Conference. After having settled in, at 6.30 pm we met in the chapel for the celebration of Vespers and the Eucharistic Concelebration, presided over by the Superior General, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo. In his homily, he recalled that our meeting intends to resume the path of continuing the path of synodality having as our guiding star what the recent General Chapter of July 2022 indicated to us as the path on which to walk: unity, sharing and coordination. Furthermore, commenting on the readings of the day, which during the Lenten journey reported the story of Joseph being sold by his brothers and of the winemakers who intend to kill the son of the owner of the vineyard, he underlined the importance of seeking the common good, overcoming envy and jealousy. , placing himself at the service of the Lord and his brothers. He concluded with the exhortation: “We summoned here, Superiors and Councilors of our Circumscriptions and of the Congregation, ask the Lord of the harvest to remove from our hearts every feeling, even unconscious, of envy and to give us the meekness and humility of heart of Jesus, to continue to offer together with Him the service that has been entrusted to us for our confreres and brothers and sisters that we meet on our journey”. Before going to dinner, we stopped in the main hall where the coordinator of the Conference, the Vicar General, Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, presented the week.