October 19, 2022 – Luke 12:39-48
Today’s passage presents the second of three eschatological discourses in Luke’s Gospel in which Jesus tells two parables, that of the landlord and the thief and, responding to Peter’s question, that of the master-servant. The first parable is about the unpredictability of God’s coming: “If the householder knew what time the thief was coming, he would not let his house be broken into.” Just as the householder does not know what time the thief is coming, no one knows the day and hour when “the Son of Man” comes. We too must be ready because God comes when least expected. At this point Peter asks whether the parable is only for the disciples or for the whole world.
In answering Peter’s question, Jesus formulates another
question in the form of a parable, “Who then is the trustworthy and prudent steward, whom the master will put in charge of his servants to give them their ration in due time?” Immediately thereafter, Jesus himself gives the answer in the parable of the good steward who is the one who performs his duty as a servant, does not use the goods received for his own benefit, and is always vigilant and careful. Perhaps this is an indirect answer to Peter’s question, as if saying, “Peter, the parable is just for you!
To become the GOOD WORKERS IN HIS MESSAGE we must:
– Do God’s will every day, every hour with the faithfulness of the prudent steward and the patience of one who trusts that one day he will return.
– Be serene because the obedient servant knows that his peace lies in doing God’s will, keeping his eyes up to heaven, waiting for the master’s return and with his feet firmly planted on the ground.
– Follow the invitation of the Gospel to always live in expectation of receiving Christ, not an expectation directed to a more or less distant future, but to the present
Almighty and eternal God,
grant us to always direct our will to you and to serve you with a sincere heart. Amen
Fr Joby Kavungal RCJ