October 10, 2022 : St. Luke 11: 29-32

Jesus in His ministry always and perfectly gave us everything we needed. The big question for all who interact with Him is, “What is it that you really want-Jesus Himself or something else?” This question is as applicable for us today as it was for people in Jesus’ day.
We, above all, must follow Jesus Christ as we struggle with life’s uncertainties and, in doing so:
– we will seek truth (instead of demanding signs)
– we will not look for signs, because looking for them is bad; it means belittling
Christ instead of exalting him
– we will hear the good news of Jesus Christ that should lead to devout repentance. No sign will be given to her except the sign of the prophet Jonah-Jesus told us that Jonah became a sign, and He would be a similar sign for his generation. Jonah gave his life to appease the wrath of God that came upon others, but he did not die; after three days and nights of captivity, he was alive and free (Jonah 1-2).
This is the sign that Jesus promised. Jesus is that sign, both for his generation and for ours. Jesus Himself is the sign; we must believe in Him, not in a sign.
The queen of the south will stand in judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them: the queen of the south came to Solomon in 1 Kings 10. When she saw the great works that God did by and through Solomon, she praised the God of Israel. He did not say, “Show me more and maybe I will believe.” The queen of the south came from the ends of the earth to hear Solomon’s wisdom. She sought God’s word with a tenacity that puts us to shame. The people who asked Jesus for a sign saw His work right there in their own territory and did not believe. The point is clear: the queen of the south and the men of Nineveh were both Gentiles, but they had more open hearts to the things of God than the religious people of Jesus’ day, who did not believe and did not welcome God’s work being done right before their eyes. The irony is stinging: the Ninivites and the Queen of Sheba welcomed God’s messengers. But Jesus’ listeners rejected God himself.
Here is one greater than Solomon: Solomon was a son of David, and one of Jesus’ great messianic titles is “Son of David.” Jesus was a much greater Son of David than Solomon. We are once again struck by the greatness of Jesus’ self-assertion. To stand before these religious leaders and claim to be greater than Israel’s wealthiest and wisest king was audacious. Yet Jesus’ apparent boldness was well justified.
In fact, there is something greater here than Jonah: Jesus repeatedly brought attention back to Himself. He was and is greater than all previous prophets; He was to become the focus of His people’s faith and confidence.
Message for Life
There is always the danger of taking our faith for granted. Worse, we may even feel that we are in a superior and safer position than others who are not of our faith. Calling ourselves “Catholic” is not enough. Baptism and receiving the other sacraments are not in themselves a guarantee of our salvation. What matters is to hear, understand, receive and assimilate the word of Jesus and carry it out in every moment of our lives.

P. Joby Kavungal RCJ