January 13, 2023 – Mark 2:1-12

January 13, 2023 – Mark 2:1-12

After several days, Jesus returns to Capernaum from his desert retreat. Immediately the crowd gathers in and around the house where he is staying so that no one can enter or leave. The “house” is not identified, but that is not important; what is important is that Jesus is there among them to proclaim the Word.

Four people, unable to enter with a stretcher, uncover the roof and lower the paralytic before Jesus. 

Let us reflect on five important considerations:

1.Seeing their faith

Jesus peers into their hearts and, going beyond their outward behavior, sees what is invisible, he sees the faith of the four, not of the paralytic. The power of prayer done with true faith is a source of healing for themselves and also for others.

2. Your sins are forgiven

Jesus intervenes in an unpredictable way; he does not, in fact, give physical healing but healing of the heart. In the mentality of the time, the sick person was a sinner being a link between sin and sickness. By forgiving sins, Jesus goes to the root of all human evil. 

3. They thought in their hearts

There is hostility in the thinking and hearts of some of the scribes who were sitting there and the expression “him” indicates the contempt they have for Jesus. Then they claim that Jesus is a blasphemer andthey attribute the forgiveness of sins to God alone. God cannot act like that in Jesus.

4. Knowing in his spirit

The fact that Jesus knows what is in their hearts is a divine prerogative. Let us not forget that Mark’s Gospel is a journey toward the unveiling of Jesus’ identity that will happen only at the end under the cross.

5. Get up, take your stretcher and go to your house.Jesus’ word is creative. It heals from paralysis and gives genuine forgiveness, which is not forgetfulness of what has been, but a work of true justification. As the paralytic returnshealthy in body, so he also returns healthy in heart. Jesus saves the whole man.

For good workers…

– The paralytic represents all those who are otherwise paralyzed and who are not able to behave with the freedom of a well-integrated person. This integration and wholeness concerns our relationships with others, with ourselves , with our environment and, of course, with God. For all this we must pray and work 

– Paralysis is a sign of sin. Sin paralyzes; it makes one incapable of doing good. The sin makes life barren!

P JOBY KAVUNGAL RCJJanuary 13, 2023 – Mark 2:1-12
After several days, Jesus returns to Capernaum from his desert retreat.
Immediately the crowd gathers in and around the house where he is staying
so that no one can enter or leave. The “house” is not identified,
but that is not important; what is important is that Jesus is there among
them to proclaim the Word.
Four people, unable to enter with a stretcher, uncover the
roof and lower the paralytic before Jesus.
Let us reflect on five important considerations:
1.Seeing their faith
Jesus peers into their hearts and, going beyond their outward behavior, sees what is
invisible, he sees the faith of the four, not of the paralytic. The power of prayer done with true
faith is a source of healing for themselves and also for others.
2. Your sins are forgiven
Jesus intervenes in an unpredictable way; he does not, in fact, give physical healing but healing of the
heart. In the mentality of the time, the sick person was a sinner being a link between sin
and sickness. By forgiving sins, Jesus goes to the root of all human evil.
3. They thought in their hearts
There is hostility in the thinking and hearts of some of the scribes who were sitting there and the expression “him”
indicates the contempt they have for Jesus. Then they claim that Jesus is a blasphemer and
they attribute the forgiveness of sins to God alone. God cannot act like that in Jesus.
4. Knowing in his spirit
The fact that Jesus knows what is in their hearts is a divine prerogative. Let us not forget
that Mark’s Gospel is a journey toward the unveiling of Jesus’ identity that will happen
only at the end under the cross.
5. Get up, take your stretcher and go to your house.
Jesus’ word is creative. It heals from paralysis and gives genuine forgiveness, which is not
forgetfulness of what has been, but a work of true justification. As the paralytic returns
healthy in body, so he also returns healthy in heart. Jesus saves the whole man.
For good workers…
– The paralytic represents all those who are otherwise paralyzed and who are not
able to behave with the freedom of a well-integrated person. This
integration and wholeness concerns our relationships with others, with ourselves
ourselves, with our environment and, of course, with God. For all this we must pray
and work
– Paralysis is a sign of sin. Sin paralyzes; it makes one incapable of doing good. The
sin makes life barren!