Inauguration of Rev. Fr. Philip Puntrello Memorial Park and celebration of Raksha Bandhan and Vanabhojanalu.

Rogate Snehabhavan Nalgonda, August 18, 2016: Rogate Sneha Bhavan Community inaugurated the Children’s Park in memory of Rev. Fr. Philip Puntrello on 18th August. Rev. Fr. Saji Kappikuzhi RCJ, superior of the community, blessed the park. Including fathers, sisters and our well-wishers around 150 people were present on this occasion.

Community also celebrated Rakha Bandhan; a festival which, celebrates the love and duty between brothers and sisters. It is also popularly used to celebrate any brother-sister relationship between men and women who may or may not be biologically related. After this community celebrated Vanabhojanalu – literally meaning Eating in the woods, is an annual gathering during spring time. This outdoor event creates an opportunity to be with nature. All these three celebrations were the joyful occasion for the community.