Feb. 1, 2023 – Mark 6:1-6
Jesus returns to his hometown in the company of the disciples. On the Sabbath day, as is his right, he begins to teach in the synagogue. His listeners, who have known him since when he was a child, astounded by the way he speaks, wonder
wonder:“Where do these things come from him? And what wisdom is that that has been given to him? And such wonders as those performed by his hands?”
The point is that they recognize his wisdom and his power to perform miracles, yet he is “only” a carpenter, son of Mary and related to James, Joses, Judas and Simon and also has “sisters.” Jesus’ relatives, known to them, are also similarly unimportant people. In regard to this carpenter, their fellow citizen, who became a preacher and miracle worker, things he had done in the neighboring towns and villages, the people of Nazareth are prejudiced, incredulous and critical. Which prevents Jesus from performing miraculous healings. Jesus, in fact, is not welcomed by his own people as were not were the famous prophets Elijah and Elisha who addressed the Gentiles who, unlike the Jews, became believers.
It is important, regarding Jesus’ kinship, to point out that ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and other Oriental languages do not have special words for different degrees of relationship, as are found in more modern languages. In general, all those who belong to the same family, clan and even tribes are considered brothers. Jesus had different kinds of relatives, some on the side of mother, others by St. Joseph. Mt 13:55-56 mentions as living in Nazareth “his brothers, James, Joseph, Simon and Judas”; elsewhere Jesus’ sisters are referred to (Mt 6:3).Jesus, was known to all as the son of Mary (Mk 6:3) or the carpenter’s son (Mt 13:55).
The Church has always maintained as absolutely certain that Jesus had no brothers or sisters in the full sense of the term: it is a dogma that Mary was always a Virgin.”
For The Good Workers.
– Jesus not only “could not” perform any miracles there, except for some sick people who were healed through the laying on of hands. But he also could not
help those who did not trust him. Jesus works only when we cooperate and open ourselves to Him.
– Where there is no acceptance or faith, nothing can be done. In us, too, faith is necessary so that the Lord can act freely and give abundantly His
graces. Because of his countrymen’s lack of faith, St. Mark says, he could not work among them any wonders.