In today’s Gospel page Jesus talks about the qualities of the true disciple. The goodness of every disciple comes from within and is not measured only by his outward behavior. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit; nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Likewise, consistently good behavior is a sign of a good soul. “Every tree is known by its fruit, just as a man’s words flow from what is in his heart.
Another measure of the good disciple is whether he listens and acts in accordance with his Master’s words. “Listening” includes hearing, understanding, accepting, assimilating, and then putting the Master’s teaching and vision into practice naturally and spontaneously. This type of person is
likened to a man who, having built his house on a solid foundation, when floods come, the house stands firm. On the other hand, one who listens but does not welcome and, therefore, does not act according to what he has heard and understood is like a man who builds his house without a foundation and when the floods come, it collapses. This parable should be read in the context of the early Church where, in times of persecution, some stood firm because their faith was deeply rooted, while others turned away at the first sign of danger.
Although there is no open persecution of the Christian faith in our environment, yet it is not easy to live our Christocentric faith. Without a secure foundation, it is very easy to get carried away to a life of materialism, consumerism, hedonism and individualism. Following these attractions causes many to follow them. And these things are often much more insidious than direct attacks on our faith. Indeed, experience shows again and again that nothing strengthens people’s faith more than open persecution.
Life messages
- Most of us live in an environment of media hype and hype that promises happiness and untold pleasures, where the vision of the gospel is ignored, irrelevant or actively rejected. We need a very solid foundation for living in such a world.
- Listening and putting into practice (literally: doing) are two verbs to be inextricably intertwined. The word that God sows in our lives is entrusted to our freedom. Everything depends on our active cooperation.
- Saying and doing are qualities that must be in tune in the life of the true disciple. We must, however, be on our guard because, as a famous proverb says, “There is a sea between saying and doing.” It is always easier to enunciate what one wants to do than to actually do it.
Fr. Joby Kavungal RCJ
BASILICA Sanctuary San Antonio, Messina