Matthew 7:21, 24-27
Today’s Gospel passage reminds us what true discipleship means. People often confess that they have not said their morning and evening prayers or been to Mass. Perhaps they should remember the words of today’s Gospel, “It is not those who say to me, “Lord, Lord,” who will enter the kingdom of heaven…”
On the other hand, those of us who always say morning and evening prayers and never miss a Mass also need to remember them. More than just praying is required: it is necessary that we “do the will of the Father.”
The parable, which concludes the Sermon on the Mount, is like a mirror to check ourselves, to discern whether our lives are walking according to the gospel not only in words, but in the concreteness of every day. Two men, one wise and one
foolish, design and build their houses. Based on their way of seeing, their way of life, their intelligence, they choose the land. One chooses stable ground, which gives solidity to the whole construction; the other chooses sandy ground, not digging deep foundations. The two constructions look the same. But, when tested, by the unforeseen events of time or life, by events that cannot be planned, only one house holds: the one built on rock.
The two houses, the two men indicate a different way of relating to the Word of Jesus and of its connection to concrete life. We must, however, be careful not to identify too easily, as Christians, with the man who built his house on the rock. The parable does not so much set out to create a clear division between the disciple and the one who lives according to the world, but rather to warn the disciple of a risk that may emerge within him, from his life choices. What makes the difference between the two men, between the wisdom of one and the foolishness of the other, is not the design of the house, but the choice of land. Out of metaphor, Jesus addresses the disciples who listen to his Word.
All are listening and all desire to design their lives according to the Word heard. However, one may delude oneself that it is enough to listen and then, satisfied with this listening, from time to time plan on one’s own, forgetting the Word heard. Wise, on the other hand, is the one who hears and understands this Word, but knows that only at the moment when it becomes life, only then can he give stability to everything he does, can give evangelical flavor to his choices, can face difficult and unforeseen moments with it, perceiving that the house of his existence rests on the rock of God’s faithfulness. The Word of Jesus, to become solid and rocky ground, must become life.
For good workers…
– Being disciples of Jesus cannot be exhausted in listening to his Word: starting from listening, the Word is embodied in our lives, making it stable ground since it contains the very faithfulness of God.
– The house of our lives can be big or small, but the important thing is that it be founded on God’s love and be a sign of that love among people, for “whoever hears these words of mine and puts them into practice will be like a wise man, who built his house on the rock” (7:24).
Fr Joby Kavungal RCJ