Our Lady of Rogate Ashram, was founded in the year 1987 by the first Italian missionary to India, Fr. Antonio Barbangelo. Fr. Antonio began the Rogationist mission in view of starting a seminary for the formation of young people, who desires to become Rogationists priests and religious. India was a fertile land for vocations and the first seminary was started by June 1987 with few young boys, who wanted to experience the Rogationist religious formation. Fr. Barbangelo was assisted by many other Italian and Filippino priests and brothers in the starting Indian mission. The first batch of novices professed their religious vows on June 01, 1991. The number of seminarains were increasing every year and a convenient formative environment was indispensable for the growing number of religious formation India.
The construction of the new minor seminary was began in the year 1989 and it was completed after a year and the new formation house was blessed and inaugurated in July 03, 1991. Mons. Abraham Karedan blessed the new seminary and then Superior General, Fr. Pieatro Ciffuni inaugurated the seminary. The number of seminarians in the year 1991-1992 was almost 70 and the number of vocations were increasing. In the year 1999, the first Indian Rogationist priest, Fr. Joseph Mailapparambil was ordained followed by Fr. Devassy Painadeth in the year of the jubilee 2000.
Rogate Ashram is situated nearby Aluva, in the Ernakulam district. It’s our major seminary formation house. There are 4 fathers and 21 brothers living in the seminary with 2 workers for the kitchen and 1 part-time worker for housekeeping and laundry.t’s a formation community. It’s now composed of 4 fathers, 3 deacons, 1 second-year theology student, 4 first-year theology students, 2 secular studies students, 5 third-year philosophy students, 4 second-year philosophy students and three philosophy first-year students. Students go to St. Joseph Pontifical Institute at Mangalapuzha as day scholars for their studies and one brother goes to Carmelgiri campus for theological studies. Our theology brothers go every Sunday for their pastoral service (to teach catechism). We have other 2 theology third-year brothers in Pune Papal Seminary and 1 third-year and 2 Second-year students for theological studies in Punjab Papal Seminary and 1 student for First-year theological studies in Elur, in Andhra. This year together with the curriculum we are planning to give a space for philosophy and theology students some charitable services among the needy, though there is still a covid threat is alive. For the last two and half years, we could not been actively involve in any charitable activities due to covid pandemic.