October 15, 2022 St. Luke 12: 8-12

Jesus continues to prepare his disciples for the trials to come in the future.
He encourages them to be faithful to their commitment and faith in Christ the Lord. When we publicly acknowledge Jesus as Christ and Lord, Jesus also acknowledges us as his faithful disciples. Of course, it will be difficult during times of abuse and persecution, but we must always be faithful to him. Denying this faithfulness may provide moments of serenity in this life but not in the next. “He who saves his life will lose it,” Jesus said on another occasion. The word “deny” is the same word used by Peter when he denied his Master (Luke 22:34 and 61).
Moreover, Jesus predicts that if we have to appear before the judges to be examined, and we acknowledge Him by joining His mission, “even the Son of Man will acknowledge us.”
(Luke 12:8). Such public confession of faith must be accomplished in word and deed throughout existence.
This is even more necessary and urgent in our time when many people do not want to listen to God’s voice or follow His way of life. If, however, the testimony of our faith is strong and sincere, it will bring numerous followers. We should not confess our faith out of fear of chastisement -which will be more severe for apostates- nor because of the great reward reserved for the faithful. Our witness is necessary and urgent for the life of the world, and it is God Himself who demands it just as St. John Chrysostom says:” God is not content with internal faith; He demands external and public confession, and thus spurs us on toward greater trust and love.”
Our confession is sustained by the power and assurance of the Holy Spirit who is active in us and defends us. That Christ Jesus recognizes us in the presence of His angels turns out to be of ‘vital importance, since it will enable us to see Him face to face, to live with Him and to be bathed in His light. So too, the opposite will be nothing but to suffer and lose our lives, to be deprived of the light and stripped of all good.
Messages of life
We ask, therefore, for the grace not to deny the faith out of fear of torment or out of ignorance, out of heresies, out of sterile faith and irresponsibility or because we want to avoid martyrdom. We are strong; the Holy Spirit is with us! And “with the Holy Spirit there is always Mary (…) and She made possible the missionary explosion aroused at Pentecost.” (Pope Francis).
“Impenitence is blasphemy against the Spirit, which is not forgiven either in this world or the next, because penance obtains forgiveness in this life, which counts for the other” (St. Augustine)
Fr Joby Kavungal RCJ