Ceremony of First profession and renewal of vows

St.Thomas Quasi Province House Aluva, 16 May 2017: St.Thomas Quasi Province had a joyful celebration of the first profession of ten candidates, renewal of the vows of seven religious and entrance to Novitiate of twelve postulants. The ceremony held in Rogate Ashram was begun with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am. The ceremony was presided by Rev.Fr.Shajan Pazhayil RCJ, the Major Superior with the presence of a good number of priests, religious and laity. Rev.Fr.Vinu Velutheppilly RCJ, the rector of Rogate Ashram, welcomed everyone to the celebration. Rev.Fr.James Plathottathil RCJ, the master of the postulants, gave the gospel reflection during the Holy Mass. Rev.Fr.Shajan Pazhayil RCJ received the vows of the religious. The 12 new novices were entrusted to Rev.Fr.Saji Kappykuzhi RCJ who has taken the charge as the new novice master. The celebration lasted about three hours had its end with the agape.