Inaguration of St. Anthony’s Boys Home in Srilanka

Srilanka,  30 January 2018 : St. Thomas Quasi Province is blessed to open our new mission endeavour, St. Anthony’s Boys Home at Hewadiwela, Srilanka on 30th January, exactly on the vigil of GREAT SUPPLICA 2018. His Excellency Bishop Cletus Perera in a concelebrated holy Mass officially opened our new mission in his diocese of Ratnapura. The Celebration started with our children’s traditional welcoming of his Lordship Bp. Cletus, Vicar General Fr. Damian and Major Superior Fr.Joby Kavungal and other priests, sisters and friends who came from and wide.  Parish Priest Fr. Sergius then presided over the Novena to St.Anthony of Paduva while his Lordship blessed the new chapel of the religious. The Concelebrated Holy Mass and simple agape followed it. Bishop Cletus gladly expressed his joy of entrusting this mission to the Rogationist and assured his best wishes and paternal support.