17 February 2023 – Mark 8:34-9:1

17 February 2023 – Mark 8:34-9:1
Having warned his disciples of the future that awaits him, Jesus now summons the crowd and his disciples, and lets them know in no uncertain terms what following him entails. Being a follower of Jesus means being prepared to go exactly the way he went:
If anyone wants to be my follower, let him renounce himself, take up his cross and follow me. Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me and the gospel will save it.
This is a clear challenge that anyone who wants to follow Jesus must be prepared both to suffer and to give his life in love for others. Those who make every effort to preserve their lives and cling to what they have without regard for transcendent values or the needs of others are
destined to lose everything, not least their integrity, dignity and self-respect.
The Gospel reports these without accommodating interpretations. They are two complementary aspects that illuminate each other: denying oneself indicates that necessary path of inner purification that frees man from any instinctive attachment to the egoistic ego and finds its full manifestation in martyrdom. The image of the cross, in fact, for primitive Christianity was not just a suggestive symbol but the concrete sign of a life given out of love for Jesus. If this willingness is lacking, despite goodwill, the path of faith is polluted and, sooner or later, becomes stranded in the desert of mediocrity. Learning to deny oneself in the small everyday things is the indispensable prerequisite for walking in love and making one’s whole life a total and unconditional gift. God is not only merciful, He is also just, so that man’s decision to honour Him determines God’s pleasure: the highest love for God is to give our life for Him (MARTIRIO).
For good workers…
– All the prophecies made by Jesus will have to be fulfilled before all is accomplished, i.e. before His coming, so any of His teachings ‘should not’ be transgressed, not only by the world, but also by the Church itself!
– Therefore, the warning is meant for us, who do not want to “lose our lives” for Jesus Christ, teaching others His Commandments, because we are afraid of being pointed out, criticised, accused, or even, persecuted…
– But let us seriously ask ourselves: what kind of Christianity is ours? Made of words, but not of concrete deeds!